Laravel provides some fantastic authentication systems to make programmer's life easier. Breeze is one of those. Today we will see how we can make a custom login system with Laravel Breeze.
Step 1: Make a route with Guest middleware
The very first thing is making a login route. You will have
a default middleware, “guest” after installing the Breeze package. Use this with
the route
Route::post('/login', [TestController::class,'Login'])->middleware('guest');
Step 2: Make the custom login function
Now we have to make a custom login function in the login
controller. This function definition is written according to the Laravel breeze
rules and properties.
function CLogin(LoginRequest $request){ $credentialWrong = $request->authenticate(); $request->session()->regenerate(); if(!$credentialWrong){ return true; } else{return $credentialWrong;}
Step 3: Customize the LoginRequest class
We are close to the end of the method. Now we need to
customize the LoginRequest.php class. This class you will have on App>Http>Request>Auth ! There you
need to customize many methods one by one. All we are going to explain is below.
public function authenticate()
{ $blocking_time = $this->ensureIsNotRateLimited(); if (! Auth::attempt($this->only('email', 'password'), $this->boolean('remember'))) { $wrong_rate = RateLimiter::hit($this->throttleKey()); return response()->json([ "blocking_time"=>$blocking_time, "wrong_rate"=>$wrong_rate ]); } RateLimiter::clear($this->throttleKey()); }
public function ensureIsNotRateLimited()
{ if (! RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts($this->throttleKey(), 5)) { return; } event(new Lockout($this)); $seconds = RateLimiter::availableIn($this->throttleKey()); return $seconds; }
Now you can login by using the “/login” route. No need to
generate any extra cookies or credentials. Rather it can detect the own user!